Designated Points per Activity:
There are 21 leadership fitness activities for which you can earn points – these are all components of growing self, sharing and developing others. These activities may be part of ThinkLead Ecosystem or not. As long as you report it clearly and convincingly. Ultimately we help you prepare a credible Portfolio of Evidence of your continuous Leadership Fitness journey, so that the world knows where to find Leadership Fit individuals.
Reading an article, watching a video, listening to a podcast, attending a webinar or reading a book. For every article read, video watched, podcast listened to you receive 20 points, whether on this platform or not. The same goes for webinars on leadership that you have attended. For all these you receive 20 points each, only on those for which you share brief learnings inside this report. Of course the learnings need to be more than just rehashing the heading of the article, video, podcast or webinar. Completing a leadership or leadership related book can earn you 50 points. And when it comes to a book your motivation of what you learned and will be implementing needs to be much more comprehensive.
Submitting a printed and scanned copy of your plan as proof, which will be reviewed confidentially by an online Leadership Fitness Mentor, your Guide or your current Coach. Ultimately you need to set goals, actions, make commitments to personal positive change towards your Best Self. If you belong to your organisations Virtual Leadership Fitness Club, there will be defined competencies/attributes/values inside your Plan. This means every action or commitment you make moves you closer towards the leadership fitness required of your immediate environment. Your immediate leader may also sign off on your plan. Every time you submit your report with your PLFP attached there has to be visible progress.
When leaders feel ready, subject themself to a 360 degree Leadership Fitness Assessment. We could recommend an assessment or they may use the assessment currently provided by their organisation or Coach. Ultimately what also matters is how those they lead perceive and experience them on a daily basis. Subjecting themself to feedback is crucial on that journey towards Authentic Leadership Fitness. They will complete an exercise on outcomes from their assessment. Of course when they have completed it once they can’t claim points again, except if they indicate clearly how they are working differently on areas of improvement. Current company leadership assessments may also be utilised here.
Sharing confidentially with us – in their reports – how they are leading; what positive movement they are creating; the difference they are making. Positive Movement must become second nature to leaders. They may attach any documents that illustrate their movement (performance). And, every time they submit a report, different or improved movement must be indicated, with timelines.
For every mentoring/coaching session you receive 100 points. This must however be mentioned inside your report – who you mentored/coached, when and where. A brief summary of what it entailed would help, without divulging confidential matters. As a Mentor/Coach you also have the important responsibility of signing off on your mentee/coachee reports, for which you receive 50 points every time you do it. Make sure you are happy with the accuracy and integrity of these as ultimately the leaders ThinkLead produces will set the standard to the world and influence the reputation of your Ecosystem. As a Mentor/Coach you become a Standard Bearer or Guardian of the kind of leaders our Ecosystem sends into the world.
Being mentored and/or coached is just as important. Every time you are mentored/coached, you may claim 100 points. Explain what your learnings were; what you will be implementing as a leader, because of the mentoring/coaching session.
Adding a quality Leadership Course or Program to Executive Club is an important activity and shows that a leader has given extensive thought and effort to the subject matter of leadership. We reward such leaders with many points for adding value to ThinkLead Ecosystem. This activity is discussed with ThinkLead directly as it is immensely important and needs guidance.
Demonstrating accountability by submitting a monthly or quarterly journal report first to their Mentor/Coach for signing off and then to ThinkLead. In it they summarise their above activities in order to claim their points and for their total on a Leadership Fitness Board to be updated. See point 5 under “Governing Principles” below. Points 1-3 above will already be inside a report that they can copy, available inside the Learning Platform of Executive Club. They need to submit this overall report before their points are updated and for doing so we reward them with extra points. Leaders need to ask for a template report that guides and simplifies the process.
Refer another leader to ThinkLead Ecosystem and receive 100 points, after they reach Level 1 on the hierarchy of Leadership Fitness. The reasoning is that you should encourage and inspire them to become part of the Executive Club and move successfully towards their Best Self. By the time they reach Level 1 they are clearly on their all-important Leadership Fitness journey.
Being a keen observer of authentic and unauthentic leadership in real life. We often learn on the job, almost through osmoses. When you report on key lessons you have learnt of late by observing good and bad leaders inside your immediate environment, you can earn 100 points. You may share these learnings on the platform as well, without divulging names, especially when it’s about learning what not to do.